Luxembourg IPv6 Council

The New Internet

Future Trends of the Internet
28 January 2009

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Luxembourg IPv6 Council

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Luxembourg IPv6 Roadmap

First Council Meeting

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Gérald Santucci: Biography

Head of Unit
“Networked Enterprise & Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)”
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
European Commission

Gérald Santucci has been working in the Information Society and Media Directorate-General of the European Commission since February 1986. In March 2007, he was appointed Head of the Unit Networked Enterprise & Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The adoption by the European Commission, in March 2007, of a Communication on RFID has constituted a first milestone towards the achievement of a European policy framework regarding RFID. Work underway includes a Recommendation on the implementation of privacy and information security principles in RFID-enabled applications and a new series of global consultations on the Internet of Things. Over the years, Mr Santucci has gained extensive experience in the activities of the Directorate-General through his involvement in research management, including heading the Unit “Applications relating to Administrations” (i.e. eGovernment) 1999-2002, the Unit “Trust and Security” 2003, and "ICT for Enterprise Networking" 2004-2006.

"GeraldSantucciBio" is mentioned on: AgendaLfICT | SpeakersLfICT

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