Luxembourg IPv6 Council

The New Internet

Future Trends of the Internet
28 January 2009

Getting there


Luxembourg IPv6 Council

Mission Statement
Supporting Organizations
Luxembourg IPv6 Roadmap

First Council Meeting

Getting There
Public Transport Links


Home Page

Willie W. Lu: Biography

Prof. Dr. Willie W. Lu is CEO of the U.S. Center for Wireless Communications (USCWC) in Palo Alto, California, and a special advisor on emerging technologies and strategies for several of China's national information and communications authorities. Prof. Lu was a member of the Technological Advisory Council of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Professor of Stanford University, and a Chief Architect and Vice President of Infineon Technologies AG. He is also an internationally recognized and notable senior expert in emerging wireless technologies and has been a senior technical advisor for 25 wireless communication authorities in more than ten countries. Dr. Lu is one of the pioneers in driving the U.S. open mobile communication movement, and the chief inventor of the famous Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) technology core platform - referred as the "LU model" in the industry. For more information about Dr. Lu, please visit: http://Willie.Lu

"WillieWLuBio" is mentioned on: AgendaLfICT | SpeakersLfICT

© 2009 University of Luxembourg.

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